Orson Welles hosting the Jack Benny Program, Orson meets H. G. Wells, the 5th War Loan Drive, Pan-American Day, political conventions, etc.
H. G. Wells meets Orson Welles _ Parts I and II --
Welles and Wells discuss the War of the Worlds broadcast, as well as Citizen Kane.
George Washington, American --
His Honor, the Mayor - The Free Company --
Welles' personal views, especially in regards to politics, racism, communism and religion, are expressed in this story about life in a small Texas border town.
Citizen Kane_interview --
President's Bill of Rights - We Hold These Truths --
A program to celebrate the Bill of Rights' 150th anniversary, written by Norman Corwin. In addition to Welles, performers included Lionel Barrymore, Jimmy Stewart , Marjorie Main and others.
The Great Man Votes --
Welles is one of the actors in this program based on the 1939 Garson Kanin film, "The Great Man Votes".
Juarez: Thunder From the Mountains --
Welles tells the story of Benito Juarez and his fight for Mexican nationalism, comparing him to Abraham Lincoln.
Admiral of the Ocean Sea --
Adaptation of Samuel Eliott Morrison's biography of Christopher Columbus "Admiral of the Ocean Sea".
Reading Out Loud --
First and only episode of "Reading Out Loud". Welles reads passages from John Donne's 1633 poem "The Sun Rising" and the 1624 poem "Meditation 17", from which the phrase "no man is an island" originates.
Interviews at the Mercury Wonder Show --
Interviews with audience members and performers at the Mercury Wonder Show. Hal Styles of KMDR interviews Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth on the day of their marriage. Also comments from Bozo the Clown, Marlene Dietrich, and Joseph Cotton.
Fifth War Loan Drive - Texarkana, Texas --
An hour long program examining attitudes about the war, mixing wartime politics and religious elements produced in cooperation with the U.S. Treasury Department.
Fifth War Loan Drive - Soldier Field, Chicago, Illinois --
Similar to the program five days previous - an hour long program examining attitudes about the war, mixing wartime politics and religious elements produced in cooperation with the U.S. Treasury Department.
The New York Herald Tribune Forum - False Issues and the American Presidency --
From the New York Herald Tribune Forum, Welles advocates for Franklin D. Roosevelt before the upcoming presidential election.
The Happy Prince - Philco Radio Hall of Fame --
Welles appears on the Armed Forces Radio Service.
The Radio Reader's Digest --
"Loops" [dialog loops for The Lady from Shanghai] --
Rita Hayworth recording dialog for the film The Lady from Shanghai (1947). Orson Welles wrote the screenplay based on the novel, If I Die Before I Wake, by Sherwood King. Welles also directed and co-starred.
Actual Stage Timing, Court Room Scene, [from Mercury Theatre Production of Native Son] --
Native Son, directed by Orson Welles, premiered at the St. James Theatre in New York City on March 24, 1941. The play was adapted from Richard Wright's novel of the same name by Wright and Paul Green.